Senior 5 Syllabus

Syllabus BIOLOGY, Senior 5 UNIT 1: Nervous system in humans -Description of the differences between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. -Identification of motor, rely and sensory neuron from diagrams -Description of a simple reflex arc -Description of the two possible effectors: glands and muscles; giving examples of the effects produced by each one -Giving examples o antagonistic muscles -Description of sense organs as groups of receptor cells giving response to external or internal stimuli such as light, temperature, sound, touch and chemicals -Explanation of the whole eye estructure UNIT 2 : Hormones and tropic responses -Definition of glands and hormones. Description of the different kind of glands: endocrine and exocrine glands. Examples of each ones. -Description of the role of adrenaline hormone i chemical control of metabolic activity -Comparison between nervous system and endocrine system -Definition of the tropism in terms if the stimuli the plant can follow to change its rate or direction of growht. State different kind of tropisms like geotropism and phototropism. -Definition of Auxines UNIT 3: Sexual reproduction and fertilization -Definition of sexual reproduction; explanation of the production of gametes (by meiosis) -Description of the male reproductive system: the testes (as the place where sperms are made), sperm ducts and the function of the prostate gland, seminal vesicle, urethra and penis. -Description of the female reproductive system: the ovaries, oviducts, cervix, uterus and vagina. -State differences between the egg and the sperms in terms of their shape, size and structure -Menstrual cycle: the specific days when menstruation and ovulation occurs and why. Explamation of all hormones and glands involved: FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone -Description of how only one sperm fertilizates the egg, Acrosomal reaction. The formation of the zygote after the fusion of the two nuclei involved. -Description of the different stages of the embryo until it reaches the uterus, the implatation of the embryo in the uterus lining; definition of placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic liquid. -Description of the birth: labor related with the contraction of certain muscles. -Ante-natal care: explanation of differents ways women can take care of herself and the baby. -Lactation: advantages and disadvantages of breast-feeding and botttle-feeding UNIT 4: Birth control and sexual diseases -Differentiation between natural, chemical, mechanical and surgical methods to prevent a possible pregnancy. -A very brief explanation about artificial insemination. -Sexual diseases: Gonorrhoea, HIV; a short description of each disease, which microorganism they are caused by and how they affect our health. -Inheritance. UNIT 5: Drugs -What is a drug? -Medicinal drugs. -Misuse of drugs. -Tobacco smoking.
