Senior 4 Syllabus

Syllabus BIOLOGY. Senior 4 UNIT 1: Nutrition -Definition of nutrition and all the substances realated to this as a way to obtain energy for growth and tissue repair. -Differentiation between the most important macromolecules: carbohydrates, proteins and fats -Description of tests for the detection of simple reducting sugars such as glucose (Benedict’s test), proteins (biuret test) and starch (iodine solution) -Description of the importance of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, mineral salts, water and fibre UNIT 2: Animal nutrition -Diet: Explanation of the real term of balanced diet and its relation to age, sex and the activity of each individual/ Description of the effects caused by malnutrition: starvation, constipation and obesity. -Examples of food additives: flavourings, colourings, preservatives and emulsifiers UNIT 3: Human alimentary canal -Definition of ingestion and egestion -Definition of the meanings of ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation -Different kinds of digestion: mechanical (including chewing and emulsifying processes) and chemical (including different enzyes involved). The parts of the canal where each one occurs and how/ identification of all human teeth and description of proper care of teeth -Description of the processes of absorption and assimilation explaning the role of the liver - Identification and description of the structures of the main regions of the alimentary canal and associated organs such as: mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine; and also pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Description of all part listed before and their specific function UNIT 4: Transport in humans -Description of the importance of the circulatory system and the double circulation in terms of a low pressure circulation that goes to lungs and a high one that goes to the body tissues -Heart: Description of the structure of the heart including the muscular wall and septum, chambers, valves, and blood vessels/ Effects of physical activity among the pulse rate/ Identification of coronary heart diseases and possible causes/ Distinction between arteries, veins and capillaties (including their function and structure)/ Name of the main blood vessels TO and FROM the heart, lung, liver and kidneys -Blood: composition of blood; cells (red, white and platelets) and plasma. Description of the structure of the cells mentiones before and their function. Identification of the components of plasma: dissolved substances and water UNIT 5: Gas exchange -Description of the gas surfaces and their features -Identify on diagrams different parts of the respiratory system: nose/mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and associated capillaries. -Identification of the processes of respiration, breathing (including the muscles humans use to breath) ad gas exchange -Differences between the composition of expired and inspired air UNIT 6: Excretion in humans -Identification of the differences between excretion and egestion -Explantion of how humans excrete all waste products including carbon dioxide, urea, and other substances dissolved in water -Description of what happens in the liver with the moleculs absorbed after digestion, how urea and glycogen are formed. -Description of the function and structure of the kidney in terms of the removal of urea and excess water and the reabsorption of glucose and some salts. Identification of the other parts of the exccretory system: ureters, bladder and urethra -Identification of the main functions of the liver.
